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5 Tips to Find Success in Post-Surgery Physical Therapy

5 Tips to Find Success in Post-Surgery Physical Therapy

After you undergo orthopedic surgery, you will likely need to plan for rehabilitation to heal properly. This will involve physical therapy exercises and routines that will aid in proper recovery. When you work with our orthopedic surgeon in Debary, our surgeons and physical therapists work together to create a rehab routine tailored to your needs. Whether you've had a knee replacement, a spinal fusion, or any other type of procedure, physical therapy can help you regain strength, flexibil...

5 Tips to Care for Your Cast When You Broke a Bone

5 Tips to Care for Your Cast When You Broke a Bone

Broken bones are also known as fractures. While bones are sturdy and strong, they can break when you trip, fall, or suffer from force that presses them into an unnatural position. If you suffer from a broken bone, you will want to go to the orthopedic surgeon in Deland to have your fracture evaluated and treated. These doctors will take X-rays to learn the extent of your break, and then they will set the bones and apply a cast. When you have a cast, you likely need to wear it over y...

7 Signs that You May Be Experiencing Arthritis

7 Signs that You May Be Experiencing Arthritis

Have you been dealing with pain and discomfort in your joints? Millions of people are affected by the symptoms of arthritis, which is a condition that results in inflammation of your joints. Arthritis is common in aging adults, but it can occur in those of any age. When you suffer from arthritis, you may start with mild symptoms, but these can eventually lead to debilitating effects on your everyday life. With the help of an orthopedic surgeon in Deland, you can manage and treat pain. ...

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing pain in your hand and wrist? Do you spend your day typing on your computer? When you have constant pain in your hand and wrist, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition affects both the hand and wrist, and it is caused by pressure on your median nerve. The median nerve runs through the wrist and up the hand, and this can be caused by repetitive motions. As an orthopedic surgeon in Deland, we help our patients alleviate this pain with treatments or ...

5 Tips to Prevent Injuries in Young Athletes

5 Tips to Prevent Injuries in Young Athletes

Sports injuries can be a significant concern for young athletes, as they can not only keep them out of the game for a period of time, but also affect their long-term health and athletic performance. As an orthopedic surgeon in Deltona, our sports medicine specialists work closely with athletes of all ages to prevent, treat, and rehab injuries that occur on the field and court. Being aware of preventative measures can protect your young children when they play sports. These are a few steps tha...

Understanding Common Running Injuries and Ways to Prevent Them

Understanding Common Running Injuries and Ways to Prevent Them

Running is a great exercise for those that want to get outside, take in the views, and stay active each day. When you run through a beautiful park or along a body of water, you can rejuvenate your spirit and fuel your body. However, runners face many physical challenges over time, and this leads to disturbances that can prevent them from staying comfortable during their daily jogs. Injuries, pain, and discomfort are common in runners that are treated by our orthopedic surgeon in Deltona. Unde...

4 Common Types of Wrist Surgeries

4 Common Types of Wrist Surgeries

When your wrist is injured or in pain, you may struggle with even the simplest task. It can be difficult to use your phone, drive your car, cook your meals, and even bathe in the morning. Because of the location of injury and the frequent use of your wrist, you will likely notice this injury much more than if another part of your body was suffering. As an orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs, we work with patients to treat injuries of the wrists, alleviating pain with the right solution fo...

FAQs for our Orthopedic Surgeon Clinic

FAQs for our Orthopedic Surgeon Clinic

As a clinic that specializes in orthopedics, we work with patients to prevent, treat, and manage issues related to the musculoskeletal system. These include everything from sprained ankles to sports injuries to hip replacements to arthritic pain. As an orthopedic surgeon in Deltona, we work to provide our patients with the best medical care to treat their issues and alleviate their pain. These are a few of our frequently asked questions about our services. How can I manage my ortho...

What to Do When You Sprain Your Ankle

What to Do When You Sprain Your Ankle

Stretching and tearing on the bands of tough tissue in your ankle that keeps the bones held together is not pleasant. This is a sprain. It is caused by awkward twisting, turning, or rolling your ankle. When the ligaments (tough tissue bands) are forced to go beyond their normal motion range, you are often left with lots of pain, and a few questions for your orthopedic surgeon in Altamonte Springs. These are a few steps you should take when you sprain your ankle. Sprain Ankle Treatm...

How to Treat a Spinal Injury

How to Treat a Spinal Injury

Treatments for spinal injuries vary depending on the type, severity, and location of the injury itself. In emergency situations, doctors can normally rule out spinal injuries just by examining a patient’s movement and sensory function. Someone who shows signs of potential spinal injury needs emergency attention. Signs include: Neck Pain Signs of Weakness Signs of Neurological Injury Back Pain Failure to Maintain Con...

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